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아가월드몬테소리 새로운 소식을 전해 드립니다.

공지 Assistants to Elementary  6-12 국제 자격증 수료를 축하드립니다.

조회수 679

On behalf of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) I would like to congratulate you on the completion of your AMI Montessori Orientation at the AgaWorld and hope that this course has provided you with new perspectives and avenues for exploration. We hope that the knowledge you have received will inspire you to continue the study of Maria Montessori’s work, in all your circumstances, in all its dimensions and perhaps encouraged you to seek to continue your studies beyond your current certification?

We are delighted that you chose to study with us and sincerely hope that the knowledge that you have acquired will continue to inspire and guide you in your daily life. Maria Montessori’s insight regarding the human condition, the development of human potential, the universality of the child and the child’s unifying power is a vision that offers us all hope and the possibility of concrete action that can lead to a more equitable and peaceful world.

AMI is proud to continue the work of our founders, Maria and Mario Montessori whose personalities and tireless travels have left a permanent mark on its vision and mission. We further hope and trust that you will feel called upon to join the Association Montessori Internationale as an active member and participate with enthusiasm in its magnificent mission.

With very best wishes,

Lynne Lawrence, Executive Director


주소 서울시 강남구 언주로 732, 세종빌딩 6층
대표전화 02-6003-0400
상담시간 (월~금) 10:00~17:00
사업자번호 427-88-00673

통신판매신고번호 서울-01-010000
개인정보보호책임자 황재홍

Copyright © AGAWORLDMONTESSORI. All rights reserved.
아가월드몬테소리 고객센터

02-6003-0400상담시간 평일 10:00~17:00
점심시간 12:00~13:00

대표전화 02-6003-0400┃상담시간 (월~금) 10:00~17:00┃ 주소 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 503, 하이브로빌딩 803호
사업자번호 427-88-00673┃ 통신판매신고번호 서울-01-010000
개인정보보호책임자 황재홍 Copyright © AGAWORLDMONTESSORI. All rights reserved.